SABAI Light Game

An easy-to-use clicker to explore asset ownership, management, and income generation in a gaming style.
What is Sabai Light?

Sabai Light is a simple free-to-play clicker that allows newcomers to dive into managing resort real estate, played by over 25,000 people. During the game, you develop your business and increase your rank. As your rank grows, you also receive a bonus for staking!


Currently, there is a booster in effect, increasing the Sabai Light bonus by 11,000%! You can find more details about its terms and activation process in a dedicated guide.

Is Sabai Light available, and where can I play it?

Yes, you can play Sabai Light right now and enjoy the development of your resort business!

What rewards are available for progression in Sabai Light?

Sabai Light offers 140 ranks that increase staking yields from 0% to 21.9% annually. During certain events, this yield is further increased.

You can review all the conditions in the special rewards table.

Can I play Sabai Light without investments?

Yes, Sabai Light is a completely free game. Additionally, by increasing your rank, you gain additional yields on staking in Sabai ID!

Don't miss this opportunity; start playing right now!


Sabai Light: Tourists

Tourists are a valuable resource in Sabai Light, used for constructing buildings in all locations.

You can see the current number of tourists on the main game screen.



To find out the per-second influx of tourists, go to the "Trade" section.




In the "Trade" section, you can also increase the number of incoming tourists with the resources you have.


Sabai Light: Science Points

Science Points are a precious resource in Sabai Light, necessary for upgrading heroes and, consequently, improving your resort business processes.

The amount of science points is displayed on the main screen.



Science points are earned by completing quests and achieving specific quantities of buildings, such as 10, 100, 1000, etc. For each achievement, 1 to 5 science points are awarded, depending on the location.



To spend science points on upgrades, go to the "Staff" section.



Then select one of the cards ready for improvement (with a filled bar under the card).



And press the "Upgrade" button.



Sabai Light: Rank Up

To rank up in Sabai Light, you need to complete quests. Each completed quest fills the progress bar by 1 unit.


Sabai Light: Building Multiplier

In Sabai Light, you can build multiple buildings of the same type simultaneously.

Use the corresponding toggle to build 1 building, 10%, 50%, or the maximum number of buildings for the available resources.


Sabai Light: Building Stats

Each building has characteristics that you can find by clicking on the information or upgrade icon next to it.



  • Power — Multiplier of resources produced by the building.
  • Discount — Discount size when building the structure.
  • Speed — Multiplier of the building's working speed.
  • Chance — Probability of a bonus drop.
  • Bonus — Increased amount of resources produced by the building, activated with a chance.


Sabai Light: Hero Cards

Sabai Light features heroes who enhance building characteristics or other processes in the game.

You can view available and unrevealed cards in the "Staff" section.



Each card consists of components, which can be determined by the bar under each card.

Components of cards are awarded for completing quests and reaching new ranks. Some cards become available only after achieving specific ranks.



If the bar is filled, you can upgrade the card.



Each card has 2 main indicators: the process it affects and the characteristic it improves.

For example, the character Taster increases the Power characteristic of buildings in the Fruits location.


Sabai Light: Additional Yield for Off-chain Farming

Achieving new ranks in Sabai Light provides additional yield for off-chain farming. You can find the current yield by clicking on the rank icon.




Additionally, you can find the additional yield for off-chain farming on the Sabai Light page in Sabai ID. Note that the displayed yield does not consider possible Reward buffs.

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